
Posts Tagged ‘pike’

A Few More Pix

In Uncategorized on January 1, 2014 at 1:52 pm

Heros sp “Inirida” – WC Colombian Severum, they have a unique pattern on their sides.. and 8 bars (like the “Rotkeil”) versus 9 bars like the regular green severum..


Another rare one: Crenicichla sp “Inirida III”.. an undescribed new pike cichlid.. sometimes called Venezuala Fire Spot.. This is a young male.. not fully coloured yet..


And finally, a festae cichlid in sleep mode.. The lights just came on, and you can see the colours are very strange compared to normal.. Never seen them like this before, so naturally had to take a pic.. This is WC “Rio Tumbes”, Peru..


More Cool Fish – Take Two.. (better pics)

In Uncategorized on December 22, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Those last pics of the crenicichla were so bad.. I just had to take some new ones today.. and also some of my wild caught Peru ex-Cichlasoma festae female.. she’s awesome!

First some pix of the female festae cichlid.. She’s about 4-5″ long, eating everything in sight.. origin: Rio Tumbes, Peru..





And these are the dwarf pikes.. Crenicichla species.. Haven’t properly identified these yet, cuz they were shipped from Brazil as Crenicichla regani, but they’re not regani.. may be notophthalmus.. or ???.. the females have amazing dorsal fins.. lots of red.. a couple of the females have a reddish tinge to the body as well..






This is a really bad picture of the Peru male festae cichlid.. There’s algae on the front glass cuz he doesn’t have a pleco in with him (unlike the female), and I don’t want to go in there and disturb them at the moment.. They just spawned and fry are free-swimming right now.. Even thru the algae u can tell he’s a pretty good looking boy!


Laetacara araguaiae.. These also wild caught.. I gave these away a few months ago.. They were starting to get beat up by the young festae and they were too nice to use as dithers..


Baloney Socks!

In Baloney Socks on April 27, 2010 at 4:05 am

Belonesox belizanus, the Pike Livebearer, looks like a typical livebearer until you get to the mouthful of sharp, pointy teeth! It’s got an uncharacteristic (for livebearers) predatory grin…

And it’s not actually pronounced “baloney socks”, but I saw this creative rendition on a forum somewhere and just can’t get it out of my mind!

Pretty cool-looking livebearer.

That mouth is absolutely full of teeth!

Belonesox always look angry - like a growling dog.